Thursday 30 December 2010


Final Products..

The cover in the making..

The back in the making...
Insert 1... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Insert 2
The spines...

The disk in the making..

Thursday 16 December 2010


This is a preview of my music video, showing everything I have done so far. The video is almost complete.

January 5th
I plan on filming my dance routine at some point this week, depending on when the theatre space is free. It is important that I use the theatre as I need the white backdrop, this saves me from having to edit or create my own. I would also like the dancers to be wearing black, which is a big contrast against the background, there fore the white backdrop is appropriate.

Wednesday 15 December 2010


December 10th
I showed my teacher my music video so far and he gave me a number of things to change:
He thought the pace of the video in some places were not as quick as the rest of it, and because I had set a quick pace from the beginning, I needed to keep this going. In order to do this I needed to break up some bits. For example the part where the 'artist' throws a snowball at the male character, I edited it so that the snow ball hit it hits him three times. This has made it seem more upbeat, and emphasises the fact that it has hit him quite hard on the back. It also highlights his reaction to being hit by the snowball.
Another change I did was added an effect, when the artist blows a kiss at the camera. When she does this, a lips mark now appears on the screen, as though she has kissed the camera lense. This makes it look more interesting, and clever.

December 15th
After doing these changes, and adding in my animation, I showed it to my teacher again. He was impressed with what I had altered and noticed I had taken his advise on board. I asked for more feedback on what else could be improved. He told me that some of the footage was slightly less out of focus then others, which could be re-shot, but I was advised not to make this a priority. After filming the dance routine and getting everything else perfected, I will then re-shoot the more grainy footage.

Monday 13 December 2010


Before filming anything else, I plan on finishing the editing on my video so far, this afternoon. All I have to film is the dance section, and some animated doodles, that I have already drawn. I will be filming the dance routine next Wednesday in the college theatre if all goes to plan, which will then be ready to be captured onto the editing suit, and into my video. If the editing for the rest of the video is done and completed, it means I can put all my attention on the dance routine, and making it look as good as I possibly can.
When I say the editing needs to be finished, I mean the timings need to be perfect, along with transitions and any effects I have chosen to use. I will also need to finish the change in colour for the background of the majority of my video, making them either red or yellow.
It is my aim to finish both this, and the filming of the doodles by Friday 17th December.

Tuesday 7 December 2010


Lines in the song that I have left to fill:

"Yeah I was outta town last weekend" - drawing of a stick person getting off the bus at a bus stop, holding a suitcase, and waves the bus off

"Now your little party's gonna end" - drawing of stick people (the boys) stood around a car, artist's hand will come in screen and screw up the peice of paper

"When I was Gone"

"Oh" - The words will be written on a peice of paper that will flash on screen

"Keep it"
For part of my music video, I am going to use animation. To do this I am going to draw the images, in order to follow the theme that runs throughout; doodles and paper. I have posted and scanned the images I drew below.

December 14th..I have now completed the animation for my video. I did this by printing out a picture of a bus, then colouring it in red to make it look more hand drawn. I then drew a street and a bus stop to set the scene on the drawing. I took a photo of the scene and the front of the bus in the corner of the shot. I took photos of the bus moving further and further into the shot so it looks as though the bus is moving. I then drew a stick person to make it look as though someone has got off the bus.For my next animation, I drew three stick people with drinks in their hands and with party hats on. I also drew balloons and a party banner to make it obvious that they're at a party. I drew the stick people both stood on the ground and jumping to make it look as though they are jumping. I then filmed my own hand grabbing the peice of paper that the image is drawn on and scrumbled it up.

These doodles fit in with the theme of the paper and drawings throughout my video.