Tuesday 21 September 2010

Textual Analysis- EXAMPLE 3

The first shot of the two characters, shows them sat in a small rowing boat, with fishing rods. We can immediately see they are male, and quite old because of their silhouettes, we can see there flat caps, and smart jackets. This gives them quite a "farmerish" look, which also connotes they are of an elderly age. As we are given a closer look at the two men in the boat, we also notice their grey hair.
The expression on one characters face makes him seem miserable, and grumpy, as he stares at "his friend" who is making noises and faces. This made me think that he was crying, and so I thought he was a sensitive, and vulnerable character. But because he sneezes it changed my opinion. The mood is lifted.
The character who seemed miserable right in the begining then has an enormous smile on his face, which gives us a totally different opinion on him to what we had in the start. He continues to laugh at his "friend" as he notices his "freind"s false teeth had fallen out and landed on the edge of the boat. We now think that this character is very light hearted and has a sense of humour. It is obvious that the two old men are good friends.
A shot reverse shot reveals the full outfit of the "friend". He is wearing cotton trousers, a shirt under a knitted jumper, that looks to be a dark green colour (it is hard to tell because the short film is in black and white) a jacket that matches his trousers and a flat cap. This presents him as been quite a traditional english man, and connotes that he was maybe a farmer.

The colours used in this short film are very limited, it is presented in black and white. This follows the conventions of a typical short film and sets quite a chilled atmosphere.
The music used is very slow, and high pitched. The use of high pitch music usually creates tension, but in this case it doesn't, it is relaxing and settling.
The symbolism in this clip is the teeth, that represents their friendship. In the begining the old men are friends, and once the teeth are gone, they are shown sitting back to back as though fallen out. The character plays a joke on his "friend" and then his teeth are lost aswell. The teeth are a symbol of their relationship.

Instantly we are shown an establishing shot, showing a river, surrounded by trees and forests, with a tiny boat floating in the middle. This sets the scene automatically. We are then introduced to the characters as a closer shot reveals the two old men who are fishing. This is the equilibrium.'Man1' is staring at 'Man2' who's chin is quivering and is making funny noises. He sneezes. This is the disruption as he looses his teeth and they land on the edge of the boat. 'Man1' laughs at his friend hysterically as 'Man2' reaches over to grab them; knocking them into the river. He continues to laugh and 'Man2' sits, unamused. The characters are then shown sitting back to back, and it looks at though they have fallen out. Because of the recognition of the disruption, this part is the quest.
Still amused at his friend, 'Man1' catches a fish, and struggles to reel it in. This connotes that he has caught a big fish. He looks back at his friend for help, who chooses to ignore him. He eventually nets the fish, and 'Man1' is very pleased with himself. He then decides to play a practical joke on 'Man2' who is still reluctant to communicate with 'Man1'. Taking out his own teeth (still smiling) 'Man1' puts them into the jaws of the fish he has caught. He laughs (again) and taps his friend on the back. He shows him the fish and yet again, bursts into laughter. This is the climax in the narrative. As usual, 'Man2' is not very amused and takes the teeth from the fish, shaking off the water. He puts them in his mouth, trying his best to make them fit, then realises that they are not his. Frustrated, he takes them out and throws them into the river.

The genre of this short film is comedy, and this is made obvious. We can see th genre is comedy, because of

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