Monday 27 September 2010

Textual Analysis- EXAMPLE2

The first shot we see of 'Kesha' is of her feet, with one shoe on, the other boot off, hanging over the side of a bath. We can see instantly that because she is lying in a bath with her shoes off, she has been on a night out or at a party. It is obvious that she has been drunk the previous night, which is also evident in the shot before as it shows an empty bottle, layed on it's side next to her missing boot. The boot is black and brown, and has a heel, which shows the artist to be quite rebelious. The colour black connotes darkness, and death. Because it connotes this it makes Kesha seem like quite a dark character. Also, the heel on them shows that she likes to party, supporting the point that she has been drinking the previous night. The next shot shows a close up of her hands on the edge of the bath, fingers full of rings and nails painted what looks to be dark red. The rings show a stereotypical 'chav' character, but because her nails are painted red, which connotes danger, blood, or warning, it shows her to be daring and quite truculent. As her head appears from inside the bath, we see a 'bed head' and very dark eye makeup- connoting that she is hungover. The makeup on her face makes her look quite rough and as though she is tired. This may show that she has been up all night. When girls go to parties etc. it is stereotypical of them to wear a lot of makeup, which also supports that she has been partying the night before. Because she is blonde, we expect her to be glamorous, as this is what we expect to see, but she is wearing black hot pants/shorts, with a red and white T-shirt, hair quite messy, heavy eye makeup, with black leather boots on. This outfit goes against what we expect of a 'blonde' and presents her as been quite rebelious, rather than a girly girl. Because she is wearing red and black, again it has connotations of danger and darkness, which are themes of rebelion and disobedience. When the second verse starts, and the lyrics say "Aint got a care in the world, but got plenty of beer", we can see Kesha's attitude, which goes with the song very well. She is presented as though she isn't bothered and has a typical 'teenage' attitude. This is because of elements such as her outfit, the mise-en-scene and what she is doing in the scene. This shows her to be rebelious and quite tempermental.
The representation changes when the artist leaves her house and goes out onto the street. She is riding a modern day 'chopper' bike, connoting the 1970's. This was a common bike used in that time era and so it has connotations of that period. Also her denim jacket and cowboy boots represent this era, simply because these wear fashion icons of that era. This tells us that the artist follows fashion as an individual and she is self confident, by mimicing trends from the 70s. She is smiling throughout the video which creates the mood for the music video. If Kesha was frowning, it wouldn't match the genre of the song as it is a fun, and upbeat song. Therefore because the artist is smiling and looking happy, it makes the audience feel comfortable and allows them to enjoy the music and video too.

Yellow is a prime colour within this music video, her toothbrush in the begining of the music video is yellow, in the family photograph the 'father figures' Tshirt is yellow, as she looks at her family eating breakfast, the 'motherly figures' dress is yellow, the table cloth is yellow and the cups are yellow also. She also 'sings' against a yellow wall, and there is a yellow balloon. A yellow car also pulls up next to the artist and a group of males come out of it. The use of the yellow in this video connotes fun, and summer. Because of this it is following the conventions of a pop video, by using bright and eye catching colours, and making it a fun video. Because it is filmed mostly on the street it makes it seem more modern and contemporary, and a place commonly known for youngsters to hang out. The video has an element of verisimilatude simply because it doesn't use too many locations, and so it doesn't make it look fake or too much for the audience to take in.

This music video follows a narrative, it constists of a story, ruling it out from being abstract or performance. The narrative it follows is her waking up in a bath tub, and she gets up and puts on her shoes, that had obviously been kicked off in the night. She goes downstairs, shocking the family who are having breakfast and are presented as sophisticated and sensible. The artist is presented to be the total opposite, and she makes her way out onto the street. The video then takes place in the street around other youths, as well as in an open top car. The artist performs in the narrative, making it seem like a documentary type video. If the music video was a performance type video, the artist would perform using props such as a microphone along with a band etc. Because it follows a story, a plot, it makes the video a narrative.

The genre of this song is rock/pop. We can see this as it uses a mixture of dark colours, for example on her clothes and makeup which shows elements of rock, as these colours belong to the conventions of a rock music video. The bright colours however such as the yellow and red, show the pop genre, again following the conventions of a pop genre. The music video is mostly of a pop genre as the rest of the pop conventions are included. For example, the video is fun; shown with the use of balloons, a chopper bike, a boom box, an open top car and the use of bright colours like yellow. It is made to look light hearted again with the use of balloons, and the children that are in the street in the begining. The video is not controversial in the slightest and so it is light hearted. It also follows a narrative, similarly to other pop music videos.

The purpose of the institution is to sell both Kesha, and her song. This is done by the artist been included in the narrative, and acting as the main 'character' throughout the video. By following the conventions of a pop genre, the institution is selling the song by making it light hearted and a fun video. The artist is also sold by the use of varied camera shots and angles, like close ups to show the artist's attitude, as well as long shots to reveal the style and fashion that the artist shows. Kesha belongs to RCA record label, a flagship label of Sony. RCA stands for Radio Corporation of America. This is quite a popular label within the USA and so the artist has become quite popular and contemporary.

The music video refers to the ideology of the 70's. I get this as in the begining we see a black and white tiled bathroom, and these colours were quite typically used in the 70's for both clothing and interior decorating. The artist also rides a modern day "chopper" bike, which again refers to the 70's as this is about the time these kind of bikes were released, and were a popular icon of the era. There is also a group of what looks to be teenagers, sat on the curb in the street, dressed in bright colours and listening to a big boom box. This again is an icon of the 1970's, as in the modern day they would be using ipods etc. Back in the 70's this was the done thing as portability had began to improve, and the boom box was big, meaning it wasn't so easy to just carry around. The youths at this time would have sat in streets etc. in order to listen to a boom box.

This music video is aimed at pop music fans, and fans of the artist Kesha. Because Kesha is a pop artist, the video must appeal to those who enjoy fun and light hearted music. The age group would range from around 14, to 24 because of it's style; for example the bright colours within the video and the fashion she follows, as well as the intertextual references of the 70s. It is suitable for a mass international audience to view at prime-time screening too, as it doesn't include anything unsuitable or controversial.

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